My sister has a rabbit named Olivia and saw a bridge for rabbits online one day and asked me to make something similar. I had to do some research to find out what wood was safe for rabbits to chew on and eventually settled on Poplar. I sketched what I wanted, did some math to figure out what the incline needed to be to be the height and length she wanted, and made a cut list.

I made the 2 side frame pieces first.

I cut a right angle triangle out of the inclined pieces to join them to the top piece and then I glued it all together.

From there I started gluing the floorboards on top.

The interesting piano bench setup is a result of me not having more than 2 F-clamps. It did work though.

The bridge railing supports were glued on as well. The holes in these I actually drilled with a drill press I bought for myself after having struggled with the bench.

I glued the inclined floorboards on but left gaps. I also ripped some of those boards and glued them in the gaps on their side so that Olivia would be able to climb up easily.

The finished bridge! There are no metal fasteners. Everything is attached with non-toxic wood glue so it’s safe for Olivia to chew on.

The railing is a natural sisal rope that she very much enjoys eating.

Even my dog Archer enjoys it! How am I supposed to tell him he has to get off now?